J O Y C A N D L E (7oz-50h)At Nektar Creations, candles are created on a principle of intention. Each of them are prepared for a specific purpose, to support you in your daily life.Here is Joy. Due to its orange color, this candle will help to amplify creativity,joy and celebration.Did you know that colors help and positively influence thebehavior in humans?Joy has an unforgettable scent of clementine, orange and satsuma.All in the citrus family, clementine, orange and satsuma aresolar plants that help attract positive energy and good luck.Did you know?Odors are assimilated by a part of our brain dedicated to instinct andemotion, which sends hormonal messages directly to our body. Theodors are therefore influencing our health and well-being.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Finally, this beautiful candle is decorated with Calendula, Jasmine and Safflower flowers.Calendula, in the plant world, is the plant related to the sun. Indeed,she is nicknamed 'she who follows the sun'. Jasmine flower increases inner peacewhich is favored by its scent. It also helps to regain balance and to elevateblade. The safflower flower completes the trio to help with the intention of joy of this candle.In winter, when the lack of vitamin D (supplied by the sun) is felt,lighting this candle will help you feel more energized, motivated and happy.Suggested Positive Affirmations:By lighting this candle, I invite you to take three deep breaths and become aware of your belly which expands as you breathe. Say out loud: I deserve to be happy. I love my life. I am grateful for (...). *******Nektar candles:100% natural soy wax. Soy wax is good for the environment because it is biodegradable, in addition to being safe for you, your loved ones and the environment. It lasts much longer than other waxes currently on the market due to its slow combustion. It is super easy to clean, contains no herbicides or pesticides.